François LIÉNARD

François Liénard Portrait en homme du large.jpg

Borinage, 1967.

Collagist in his spare time , poet at 4:30 pm , collector at 5 pm, culturel activist (editions and organization of exhibitions of all kinds) since 1993. Studies at the Erg (School of Graphic Research in Brussels) from 1989 to 1993, first collages and first texts. Micro-editor with L.E.Q.C.D.N.A.C.P. (Les Editions Qui Changent De Nom A Chaque Parution) since 2001, organisator of exhibitions with "le Chalet de Haute Nuit" in Bruxelles and beyond 1994 to 2008. A companion in time of Brussels Surrealists gathered around Tom Gutt. Professor of Art History and lecturer at "des Académies des Beaux-Arts" in Wallonie and in Brussels. Often found himself writing texts or putting on exhibitions in the outsider art circels  (Créahm Bruxelles, Créahm and Madmusée in Liège, La « S » Grand Atelier in Vielsalm). Before any amateur of images but also fan of popular music (heavy, death and black metal), biblio-phile and-phage, wrote hundred of texts on known and unknown artists since 1992. Master of training at the Akdt since 2007, he has become, to his delight, artistic advisor in 2018.