Bonne nouvelle ! 📅 La programmation des stages est en ligne ! Vous pouvez dès à présent découvrir les différentes périodes et ateliers proposés pour cet été.
👉 Consultez la programmation complète en cliquant ici.
Tous les descriptifs seront publiés début mars… Encore un peu de patience ! ⏳✨
Lire plusOn a une nouvelle qui devrait vous donner le sourire !
Les dates de la saison 2025 sont enfin connues : Dates des stages 2025
La programmation complète sera dévoilée en ligne en février au plus tard, merci pour votre patience.
Tic, tac ! Quelque chose de nouveau va voir le jour en janvier 2025 : des stages hors saison en janvier ! 🥳
Nous sommes très heureux·se·s de vous proposer une nouvelle série de stages qui se dérouleront fin …
Lire plusCliquez sur le jour pour découvrir le programme complet. Attention, les événements changent parfois de jour en jour. Pensez à vérifier.
Tous les jours après le souper : SCENE OUVERTE au bar
Lire plus"L'Académie d'Été" est un recueil de poèmes écrit par François Liénard, édité par l'AKDT en collaboration avec le cours d'infographie de l'Institut Centre Ardenne de Libramont.
En vente à l'accueil au prix de 5 euros.
On y apprend qu'on peut venir à Libramont depuis l'Australie en passant par Java, …
Lire plusAKDT is pleased to present its brand new respect and kindness charter. The result of a collaboration with Plan SACHA, this charter represents AKDT's strong commitment to creating and maintaining a respectful and safe environment for all.
This charter is a key document in the organisation's educational and artistic …
Lire plusFor the second year running, La Fabrique du Silence will be at AKDT. Simon Daron will be offering a mobile workshop to diagnose, repair, adjust and pamper your instruments!
So don't forget to bring your spare instruments so you can get on with the work during your courses.
In order to get the training week off to the best possible start, we would like to inform you of the Monday morning timetable. The team will be on hand to give you all the information you need, as well as your trainee card, on Mondays 8, …
Lire plusWe're delighted to see how popular our courses are! Thanks to your enthusiasm, our boarding schools in Neufchâteau and Libramont are now fully booked. Unfortunately, we can't make any exceptions, even by phone or email.
However, we would like to remind you that there are other accommodation options in …
Lire plusAfter a period of reflection and consultation, the Saint-Michel Institute and the AKDT are delighted to unveil the new rules that will govern the summer internships of 2024.
Weekday evenings will take place at the Saint-Michel Institute until midnight. This will allow participants to extend their exchanges …
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This year, AKDT is unfortunately unable to offer you a Dutch-language version of its website. If you'd like to find out more about a course, a teacher or any other information, please go to the French-language pages, as well as those translated into English. …
For this 2024 edition, the AKDT wishes to focus on meals.
Indeed, just like the artistic excellence present in our courses, it seems essential to us to provide a balanced, quality diet that meets the expectations of our time. The success of your internship depends on every detail!
The kitchen …
Lire plusToday, the AKDT Cultural Council had the opportunity to visit theNaninne Loan Center, a chance to get a behind-the-scenes look at the organization, as well as its latest equipment.
The Loan Center generously welcomed us to showcase its various …
Lire plus🌟🎉 Exactly 10 years ago, the Académie d'Été was crowned with a royal title, an emblematic moment that marked the history of our Public Utility Foundation..
On this special occasion, we would like to express our gratitude to all those who have been by our side: from artists to partners, …
Lire plusThe Royale Académie Internationale d'Été de Wallonie (AKDT) is looking for an artistic advisor [M, F, X] to take charge of the 2024 season of world dance and music workshops!
If you have a keen interest in the arts …
Lire plusWe've got some news that should put a smile on your face!
The dates for the 2024 season are finally known: Dates for 2024 courses
The full program will be unveiled online in February, thank you for your patience.
Lire plusIt is with deep sadness that we pay tribute to Marcel Lambrechts, co-founder of AKDT, who passed away on November 12, 2023.
Marcel Lambrechts, since 1975, has instilled his ambitions of accessibility to artistic education for all by being at the source of what is today our Public Utility …
Lire plusIn a world where stories come to life through the airwaves, where sounds weave narrative webs as captivating as they are visual, a course opens its doors to you. Under the expert tutelage of Christine Van Acker and Némo Camus, the "Radio podcast ans sound writing" course, …
Lire plusOver the past few weeks, we've experienced some intense and unforgettable moments, sharing knowledge, passions and friendships.
Our heartfelt …
Lire plusThe events below are open to all (trainees or not) and of course free of charge!
👉 17:30-18:30: DISCOVERY WORKSHOP "instant composition" - open to all (Local J 1.02)
👉 21:00: OPEN SCENE / JAM (Bar)
👉 17:00-18:00: DISCOVERY WORKSHOP "body percussion" - …
Lire plusBetween two weeks of courses, let's take a moment to read this postcard written by François Liénard, artistic advisor for the visual arts, on the occasion of a visit to the Neufchâteau courses.
Lire plusMONDAY JULY 17
👉 21:00: OPEN SCENE (acoustic jam in the bar basement and jam with sound system in the bar)
Lire plus👉 Every evening at the bar from 8:30pm: OPEN SCENE - Opened by B.A.O.
👉 17:30: chainsaw carving demonstration on a 2-meter-high oak trunk
👉 Simon Daron …
Lire plusSummer is fast approaching, and with it come the long-awaited art workshops. It's the perfect time to introduce you to the podcasts created by the talented artist Pierre Delrez, known as Piedel.
To Piedel, a native of Neufchâteau, …
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