Singer-songwriter Constanza is a Chilean-born singer living in Belgium. She trained in jazz singing at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel, as well as in Chile, Argentina and Brazil.
Born into a family of intellectuals and artists, music was always present in her childhood. And it was by meeting cantautores, Latin American singer-songwriters, that, encouraged by them, Constanza began to write her own songs in Spanish and Portuguese and to record albums.
She has performed on various national and international stages (ChilEuropa Jazz Festival in Chile, Kinshasa Jazz Festival, Jazz Plaza in Havana, Leuven jazz, Muziekpublique, etc.) and has collaborated with numerous world and jazz artists (Guillermo García de Quilapayún, Pierre Van Dormael, Jeanfrançois Prins, Tuur Florizoone, etc.).
His latest album "Melodías del Instante" was released on the Gam Music label in 2022.
Website :
Bandcamp : constanzaguzmn | Apple Music : constanza-guzman | Spotify : Constanza Guzmán
Languages : English, French, Spanisch