
Hermant Jurgen


Passionate about strong, underground worlds, Jürg is constantly developing his work.

Graduated in comics at the Saint Luc Institute (Brussels, Belgium) in 1995, he has since distributed his work thanks to a multitude of publishing experiences.

Co-founder of independent comic book structures, he wen on to collaborate with crime writers Jean-Bernard Pouy (creator of Le Poulpe) and Daniel Picouly (Café Picouly, France 2). Jürg published two albums in Spain which have never been translated into French.

He has worked for the publishing houses of Le Masque, Emmanuel Proust, Delcourt, Le Lombard, Les requins marteaux, La Martinière, Petit A Petit, Scutella... He also publishes in magazines such as Sciences et Vie Junior, Psikopat, Dofus Mag and Aaarg!

In recent years, Jürg's work has evolved towards a freer, less narrative form. Opening up to painting, he creates posters, CD covers and illustrates short stories and chronicles.

Jürg regularly exhibits in Belgium and abroad.

A more complete overview of his work can be seen at: ­jurg-poulycrock.blogspot.com

Contact :

Mail : jurgmichel@gmail.com

Phone : +32(0)479665805

Language : French