Caroline Leboutte

2024-Caroline Leboutte-actualisé

Caroline Leboutte is a Belgian artist born in 1980. She studied drama at the Institut des Arts Dramatiques (IAD) and the Centre d'Études Théâtrales (CET). She then joined the Compagnie Skat and began writing and directing numerous projects at the border between theater, music, dance, circus and visual arts.

On the lyrical side, she directed the operas Lupus in Fabula by R. Sargenti (2009), Milo e Maya e il giro del mundo by M. Franceschini (Fedora Prize-2016), Fairy Queen (2018), Alice by M. . Franceschini (2021), Une Flûte Enchantée (2023-24) for which she has also adapted and translated.

An actress and singer, she has appeared in numerous productions ranging from musicals to street performances. Passionate about teaching, she teaches at the Conservatoire Royal de Liège and offers numerous workshops and training courses.

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Language : French