Research on vocal work
In 1986, she began training with G.List, Académie Classique et Jazz.
Follows numerous Voice-Movement training courses: M.Alexander Feldenkrais, MLC, Mécanisme de la Voix, Estill voice training, Emmanuelle Trinquesse and Robert Sussuma.
Teacher of vocal technique and polyphonic singing: since 2006, she has given workshops at the AKDT, RPé and numerous weekend workshops at Salle Résonances.
Choir conductor since 1997
Currently leads the Son du Quartier and Bo Soley choirs
“Un Pont entre Deux Mondes” at La Monnaie.
Created and hosted PolyFolies et les Choux d’XL for over 15 years
Vocal trio:
"Onda" with Maria Helena Shoeps, Morena Brindisi
"Nos Dois, nou deux" with Maria Helena Shoeps, Ana Maria Cavalcante
Often sung as a duo with: Henry Greindl, Cécile Broché
Website :
Language : French