Benjamin Poignard was born in Mons on February 12, 1997. He began his drama training at the Conservatoire Royal de Mons, in Bernard Cogniaux's class. There he met many teachers, including Vincent Rouche and Patrick Brüll, as well as several speakers, including Jasmina Douieb, Raven Ruelle and Thibaut Wenger.
Alongside his career, he is a member of the founding team of the Festival Trajectoire, a festival of young creations from Mons.
He directed "Mimi" in 2018 and "Cactus" in 2019.
Upon leaving the Conservatory, he decided to train in the Feldenkrais method.
In April 2019 he was also a dancer in the opera Orfeo presented at the Colfontaine cultural center.
In 2019, he founded la compagnie du Graal, a company focused on touring and young audiences. He participated in the creation of the first show "Trois hommes qui pêchent" and wrote the one-man show "Assieds et écoute si tu veux", the company's second project.
He is also a member of the "Les nouveaux disparus" company.
In recent years, he has focused his artistic work on street art and fairground art.
How to occupy public space, how to reinvent artistic creations by creating from what surrounds us are questions that motivate his artistic practice as well as that of his company.
Create, always create, from ourselves, from others, from what surrounds us, and transmute the odds and ends into a universe that opens up the imagination.
Language : French