Michèle Strepenne

strepenne 2023

Michèle Strépenne is trained in :

  • Belgian sensory massage with Solange Brasseur.
  • seated massage with Tony Newman.
  • systemic therapy at the Namur school in Malonnes.
  • brief therapy at the non-profit organization "Espace du possible" in Tournai.
  • reiki with Don Alexander.
  • aura reading with Mickael Bastin
  • haptosynesia (science of touch and affectivity, a branch of haptonomy for adults) with Franz Velman.

After a long period of training and personal development work, Michèle now accompanies people in individual therapeutic work. For the past 10 years, she has been developing training modules focusing on learning massage, energy work and the relationship between touch and nursing staff. The key elements of her work revolve around listening to the bodily dimension, welcoming feelings and raising awareness.

2013: author of the book "J'élève l'homme que j'aime et cela me grandit" published by AMYRIS.

Language : French