Justine Verschuere-Buch

2025-405 Justine Buch


Justine is passionate about music as well as the performing arts and the possibility of combining several artistic disciplines. At a very young age, she played the accordion and became acquainted with the performing arts, clowning, street theater... She immersed herself in the creation of staging, characters, as well as in the exploration of movement. She tours with several shows and music groups including “Gourmandise Musicale”, “La tournée des idoles”, “18 Carats”.

Since 2011, she has accompanied the "Cie Ah mon amour" as musician and actress for the shows "Le Monde de Luce et ses extases", "Les P'tits Pots d'Fleurs" and "Colon(ial)oscopie".

She is currently touring as an actress with Daddy Cie on a show for young audiences named "Amamer".

Website : justinevb.com

Language : French