Of Belgian origin, Hélène Zanutel began playing clarinet at the age of 9 at the Jodoigne academy with Rose-Anne Meulemans, as well as piano at the Hannut academy with her father, Jean-Pol Zanutel. After winning First Prize at the Belgian national Dexia competition, she decided to enter the conservatory and make a career out of it.
Throughout her studies, she perfected her skills with eminent teachers in Belgium, England, Italy and France, and took part in numerous masterclasses with Pascal Moragues, Nicolas Baldeyrou, Claude Faucomprez, Franck Amet, François Sauzeau, Calogero Palermo... In 2008, she was awarded the Premier Prix de la Ville de Paris and a DEM in Olivier Derbesse's class, as well as a Master's degree and the AESS in 2011 at IMEP, in Jean-Luc Votano's class.
She plays regularly in chamber music and orchestras (Orchestre Royal Philharmonique de Liège, Renouveau Lyrique de Paris, Quatuor Alcea, Quatuor Amon, OSJB, ensemble Arpeggio, le cabaret sauvage, madame est servie.... ) and enjoys tackling all musical styles.
Passionate about teaching, she led Jeunesses Musicales with the Clarundo quartet from 2011 to 2013 and taught clarinet and saxophone at the academies of Ixelles, Grez-Doiceau, Jodoigne, Morlanwelz as well as at summer courses, the AKDT of Libramont and the Amougies music course
Contact : helenezanutel@yahoo.fr
Language : French