Hélène de Gottal


Hélène de Gottal creates ethereal works that hark back to still life and the vanitas, questioning the human condition and its finitude.

The artist offers a range of pieces from her delicate body of work, in which the materials used question the body and its fragments, abandonment, oblivion, proof of passage and decomposition.

For several years now, Hélène de Gottal has been using techniques derived from bobbin lace to create frail, fascinating constructions stretched from hair, horsehair or old cotton threads.

Concerned about the fate of both human beings and the planet, she seeks not through scientific demonstration but through sensitive appropriation to ask us about the role of each individual and the grace that exists in all things.

Her research process begins with drawing, then collecting accessories, insects and worthless objects, and finally creating objects.

Like a laboratory assistant, she studies, composes and slowly weaves her thread, her canvas around her cabinet of curiosities. An archaeologist of the ephemeral, she builds and deconstructs her universe.


Hélène de Gottal lives and works in Belgium.

After a career as an interior designer and a spell in communications, she devoted herself entirely to her passion for the visual arts.

She trained with well-known artists in drawing and graphic research, engravings, installations and textile creations.

In 2009, she was awarded a grant from the Tamat (Musée de la Tapisserie et des Arts Textiles de Tournai, Belgium), which enabled her to discover bobbin lace and develop her research into hair, the material that would become her main medium.

Since 2001, the artist has exhibited in galleries, contemporary art fairs, museums and foundations.

She teaches her practice to artists, organises workshops in a school for school drop-outs and more recently in South Kivu (DRC) in collaboration with an NGO.

Her lace works and hair face masks are collected both in Belgium and abroad.

+32(0)479 29 84 50





Language : French