Marjorie Kemp

Birth and life in the lands of Gaume and Arduinna. Back and forth here and elsewhere, or inner journeys. From an early age, I was eager for everything.

From the age of 15, I was a dancer and horseback rider, and rock music had me on the go... At 18, I moved to the capital. With a bachelor's degree in Romance languages and literature, I'm about to finish a European master's degree in Information and Communication, in the ELICIT section (Etudes de LIttératures, CInéma et Télévision), focusing on film analysis and writing. With the Agrégation de l'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur in audiovisual studies, I'm allowed to dream about what I've always wanted to do: teach, pass on and write.

But also to experiment and reveal, with my eyes wide open to the world. During my studies, in 1999, I set off on a backpacking trip to Cuba. A trip that left its mark and a love of encounters outside the official guidebooks.

At the end of my first studies, I left the city and the Brussels nightlife, diplomas as arrows in my bow, and returned to the countryside for love. From 2000 onwards, the reign of open doors began, pushing me into all the fields I love. I quickly learned to be versatile, leading, coordinating or directing a cultural center and a CEC, composing, organizing, hiring, negotiating, programming, innovating, accompanying a CFWB musical tour of Belgian-French groups via an independent label... As time goes by, I make my way through projects and events.

These varied experiences gave rise to loyal friendships and increasingly creative collaborations, notably in audiovisual scenography, for several pieces proposed by L'impact asbl. These include "Marchandises", a collective, multidisciplinary creation on the theme of the commodification of society; Ariel Dorfman's "La jeune fille et la mort", and Philippe Barré's "L'amour cannibalE", all directed by Marie-Gilles Vander Essen.

As a "slasher" at heart, with my many jobs and activities, everything I do puts me in constant contact with the national and international artistic, social, cultural and events worlds, as well as with humanitarian organizations linked to Rwanda... I develop my network, create solid links and put people in touch with each other.

I teach, and deepen my knowledge of active pedagogy and neuroscience; between 2004 and today, I've been a French teacher, an audiovisual teacher, a morality teacher and currently a teacher of educational techniques and practices. In my baggage, everything is an opportunity to bring the arts to school and school to art.

The path sprouted and blossomed, bearing fruit and 2 atypical and extraordinary children for the knowledge they (re)connect me to or enable me to acquire... Giving birth is like writing: it's about transcending, questioning, doubting, awakening, evolving, sharing, elevating, emancipating, constantly learning; it's positively human.

Encounters abound in all walks of life, and passions combine in density.

In association with ideas: after 15 years of "all-terrain" experience, immersed in the magical cauldron of the cultural and artistic sector, I've taken the step of bringing all these deployments together, by founding the non-profit organization L'ARTillerie (event coordination and transmedia/arts/cinema/audiovisual projects-axes production/creation/education). Writing short films, assisting and directing a Belgian series, I return to my beginnings when the opportunity arises.

In 2013, the RAVAGES musical project was born, based on a personal collection of poetry. I dive into it scenically, as a singer-songwriter... I return to the stage, dance, explore rhythm, discover voice and full presence (trained in mindfundlessness). Exutoire, exuvie, a self-produced album in 2021.

Writing and offering crossed views on survivors and migrations, past and present. A Rwandan friend tells me her story... Or, in a completely different vein, to write a first original play, "Les raccommodeuses", for the Cie L'ananas givré in autumn 2019, with a sequel in the spring to come.

Life in cycles, movements without chance... AKDT, with its passionate dynasty, breeding ground for awakening and cathartic island, arrived at the right moment on my path in 2018. Reconnecting with dance, fish in water among the performing arts, I enjoy programming and swimming in this philosophical bath.

I'll become a fencer in 2020 and, among all the battles and challenges to be fought on all fronts, a new flagship project will give birth in 2021. An associative label and production company, "Réservoir chiennes" shouts out, in these viral times of silent stagnation, its need to think (to heal) and act, to reactivate the senses, to imagine new perspectives, to connect changing time-spaces...

The reservoir and heart full and rich of humans, known and unknown, and nothing is impossible.

It's up to us & each of us, to invent what comes next...

Language : French