
Argentine Tango is a popular, traditional dance that is surprisingly sophisticated, elegant and sensual. Its depth is both infinite and fascinating!

We'll consolidate our “tango body”: warm-ups and development of body awareness; reinforcement of comfort, stability and elegance of posture; deepening of technique, movements and adornos specific to tango.

We will deepen our ability to connect fully with our partner: perception of the other's body, variation of space within the abrazo, quality of contact, clarity of communication.

We will then work with sequences and “ranges of movement”: giros, caminatas, boleos, sacadas, barridas... to explore not only their technical aspects but also their expressive potential. We'll play with their musicality, rhythm and variable geometry, to broaden our capacity for improvisation and personal interpretation.


NB: Intermediate and advanced: a minimum of three years' experience and regular practice is required, as well as ease on the track

Please note:

Couple registrations welcome! Please indicate your partner's name on the registration form. If you register alone, you will be put on the waiting list until a partner with a complementary role also registers.

NB: registrations are managed by the AKDT team, not by the teachers, so please bear this in mind.

As parity of roles is essential for the course to run smoothly, please indicate clearly :

- the role you wish to play ;

- whether or not you are registering with a partner;

- if applicable, the name of your partner.

Required level

Intermediate and advanced: a minimum of 3 years' experience and regular practice is required, as well as ease on the track.

Equipment required

Bring your tango or dance shoes. A floor mat for stretching and other exercises.

More information

Any questions?

If you have any questions, please refer to the practical information!

To register, please complete the following form.

If you wish to register several people with the same email address, please enter a different name per address via this field.
Please indicate a manager if the trainee is a minor (surname, first name, mobile number).
Should we be informed of any health issue concerning the trainee? If yes, please fill in this field.
By submitting your registration request, you agree that the information entered will be used only by us for processing by AKDT. You can at any time, by sending an email to, have the right to inspect or modify your data communicated to AKDT. By registering for this internship, I also agree to the General conditions