
Welcome to a week filled with flamencodance with focus on musicality and expression!

The classes will be filled with technique, choreography (palo to be announced), palmas and include moments to work with different ways of improvisation - both within the forms of traditional flamenco as well as with rhythm and movement. Communication with the music is a central theme throughout the course and the classes will be accompanied by a guitarist.

We start the days with a warm-up followed by technique for feet and turns, work with a set choreography, a daily detail por bulerías and a moment to work with our own movement language before lunch. In the afternoon there will be palmas, practice in communication with musicians and repetition of our choreography as well as diving a little deeper into the background of the palo we are working on. If we feel the need, we can also have a class of relaxing yinyoga towards the end of the week! The classes will be formed to fit the group, giving challenges and options to suit you where you are in your dancing. The languages spoken are Spanish and English (but mostly we’ll dance!)

Required level

Introductory/beginner and medium/advanced

Equipment required

Flamenco shoes or shoes with a stable heel

Any questions?

If you have any questions, please refer to the practical information!

To register, please complete the following form.

If you wish to register several people with the same email address, please enter a different name per address via this field.
Please indicate a manager if the trainee is a minor (surname, first name, mobile number).
Should we be informed of any health issue concerning the trainee? If yes, please fill in this field.
By submitting your registration request, you agree that the information entered will be used only by us for processing by AKDT. You can at any time, by sending an email to, have the right to inspect or modify your data communicated to AKDT. By registering for this internship, I also agree to the General conditions