Before registering, please read this document carefully, which presents the general operation of our music courses: Informations à savoir sur cette semaine d'ateliers
This immersive course will offer detailed analyzes and practical application of some of the most contemporary and multiple paths of jazz. These different areas of work will overlap throughout the week:
- analysis and specific practical work on the materials, techniques, issues, languages and operating methods specific to the different compositions studied
- guided listening / awareness / interpretation techniques / spontaneous composition / vocabularies for improvisation
- work on the overall game (sound, definition of roles, circulation, speaking, functionality, direction, execution, indetermination, control and letting go...)
- work on orchestration and arrangements based on instrumentation
We will work on the music of Pierre van Dormael, Benoit Delbecq, Kartet, Aka Moon, Magic Malik, Stéphane Payen, but also standards, etc...
Required level
Ce stage s'adresse à des musiciens de niveau avancé, et ne devrait pas profiter pleinement à des musiciens n’ayant pas une maitrise de leur instrument et une connaissance du système tonal majeur-mineur. Le stage sera donné en français et en anglais (si nécessaire).
More information
Any questions?
If you have any questions, please refer to the practical information!