Benjamin Meunier, a state-qualified teacher since 2022 and professional musician since 2021, offers a hurdy-gurdy workshop featuring a wide range of exercises, combining musicality and technicality.
In this workshop, based on traditional pieces from the Nivernais-Morvan region, as well as some more recent compositions, participants will work on :
-sound quality: tuning, adjustments, rehairing of strings (cottons), sound emission
-basic elements for an intermediate level: rigor of wrist stroke, precision and efficiency of left-hand fingering, first notions of ornamental and polyphonic variations in-depth
-elements for an advanced level: stylistic study of acoustic hurdy-gurdy playing from “Central France”: expression: melodic phrasing, rhythmic phrasing, swelling, “making it sound”, etc.
-fantasies: simple and complex variations and ornaments, working with polyphonies
-adaptability: developing intuitive transposition, learning or deepening the elaboration of intuitive and improvised variations and polyphonies.
Work will also be carried out on some of the works in the Trio Meunier-Villeneuve repertoire. Trainees will be invited to perform these works at the concert/bal that will take place during the week.
Required level
Minimum level required: know how to play at least 10 melodies in full game
Instruments tuned in the key of G or G/C
Oral learning method (by ear)
Equipment required
Your instrument
Any questions?
If you have any questions, please refer to the practical information!