
The exercise of Qigong offers flexibility and fluidity, vitality, relaxation... especially since summer allows you to benefit from the living forces of nature (trees, wind, rain, sun). By combining movement, breathing, and control of “breaths”, it leads to a sensitive listening of the body.

Getting rid of inappropriate movement habits, softening forced attitudes and eliciting greater accuracy also means preferring presence to the simple exercice of gymnastics.

When children play, they spontaneously explore all kinds of movements. As adults, we no longer play. Fortunately, Qigong movements allow us to revisit the possibilities of our joints, solicit balance and imbalance, and bring back into play the pleasure of non-utilitarian gestures.

In their Chinese year, we welcome the dragons: their suppleness, their sinuosity, the way they awaken and link the energy centers (the dantian) in a slender vertical.

But also the way they reach for the sky, curl up in the clouds or waterways, only to re-emerge like a thunderclap that shakes and energizes.

A connection with the Chinese symbolism of the dragon, drawn from various sources (tales, philosophies, old book of mutations, etc.), will enable us to deepen the meaning and clarify the stakes of this gesture.

Qi Gong invites us to a feeling of freedom, a gentle attention to ourselves, an unfolding in space... for the benefit of a freer circulation of blood and energy. But beyond the "health benefits", it's the beauty of the gesture that we welcome with simplicity.

Required level

For everyone

Equipment required

Soft clothing, flat shoes, a floor mat and possibly a cushion for sitting on the ground (chairs will be available).

Outdoor clothing

Any questions?

If you have any questions, please refer to the practical information!

This internship is full.