Before registering, please read this document carefully, which presents the general operation of our music courses: Informations à savoir sur cette semaine d'ateliers
Le cours sera divisé en deux parties : travail vocal avec des professeurs de chant jazz le matin et pratique dans un ensemble (combo) ou un ensemble vocal l'après-midi. Ce cours propose une immersion dans le jazz et l'improvisation vocale et s'adresse à toute personne souhaitant s'initier ou approfondir ses connaissances dans l'interprétation des standards de jazz et l'improvisation vocale jazz.
MATINEES will focus on the following elements:
- Vocal technique: body-voice relationship, relaxation, suppleness of vocal gesture, use of vocalizations adapted to the desired sound in different styles.
- Rhythm: in the body, notions of pulsation, carrure and rhythmic placement.
- Jazz harmony: listening, learning chords, scales, modes and analyzing standards. - Repertoire: phrasing and interpretation around a repertoire of jazz standards of different styles and currents (swing, blues, bossa, bebop, contemporary jazz).
- Improvisation: one of the pillars of jazz, and above all a formidable tool enabling each individual to express themselves, to formulate a discourse in tune with their personality and musical sensibility, and thus develop their creative potential. We'll approach improvisation in a variety of ways: chord grid improvisation, scat, instrumental imitation, free improvisation, solo and group improvisation, Circle Songs, and more.
A whole program that invites you to play for pleasure, to awaken your imagination, to interact with others in music, to feel your body in direct contact with rhythm, pulsation... Music.
N.B.: to enable everyone to progress at their own pace, the group will be divided into three from the first day of the course, and each group will have classes with each of the 3 teachers.
IN THE AFTERNOONS, trainees will be divided either into instrumental ensembles of different styles, called “combos” and taught by the various jazz teachers, or into the vocal ensemble led by one of the singing teachers.
JAM COACHING: all participants will have the opportunity (upon registration) to have a coaching session during the week for the evening jams with pianist Igor Gehenot.
Required level
A background in jazz singing is preferable, but some singing experience is required, whether as part of a group or choir, or in individual lessons on academic or non-academic circuits.
To enable everyone to progress at their own pace, the group will be divided into three from the first day of the course.
Equipment required
It's important to bring a recorder to learn the songs during the workshop (a smartphone recorder is sufficient).
Equipment will be provided on site, but if you have it, bring a microphone and cable to sing in the afternoon combos.
More information
Any questions?
If you have any questions, please refer to the practical information!