
To give everyone a better idea of the roots of this music, what we might call "old jazz", or even "old style"... What was the influence of swing from across the Atlantic on Django Reinhardt and Stéphane Grapelli?

Certain parts of the course will therefore be devoted to listening, because how can you play music that you don't listen to?

  • Essential knowledge of harmony and chords, of the modes and phrases that are played on them, within the specific framework of this musical style and its spirit...
  • Advice specific to violin playing, including bow phrasing, swing, left-hand effects (glissandos, vibratos, etc.).
  • Develop your listening and understanding of music, and the connection between your imagination and the playing of your instrument... This will also include learning solely "by ear", by listening, with the score serving only as a guide when necessary...

Individual lessons will be scheduled at least once, so that we can give personalized technical (and musical) advice.

Pleasure and well-being are key ingredients for learning and creativity... I'll do my utmost to keep them alive!... Don't we say: PLAY an instrument?...

A little anecdote on this subject: the music played by the illustrious Django Reinhardt, often accompanied by Stéphane Grappelli, is often referred to as "gypsy jazz"... It would seem that this is a rather daring "shortcut", given that, although he came from a family of gypsies, Django played music that doesn't really resemble their traditional music...

It would rather be "Django's jazz": the standards of the time and his own compositions, very often accompanied by "pumping" guitars, which was the main novelty of this style at the time...

Now, it's true that the Manouches are very proud of this (understandably!) and that they've helped to perpetuate this musical style, which now attracts musicians of all origins, although it remains more present in Django's native country and the countries where he lived: Belgium and France... This "amalgam" doesn't sit too well with some gypsies, it seems, while for others, it's perfectly normal...

Any questions?

If you have any questions, please refer to the practical information!

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