
Codify notes, illustrate a sound path, a harmony of colours based on a musical or pictorial composition. Strolling through sounds and silences, differentiating shapes and spaces.

Throughout the course, we'll look at different ways of illustrating through a whole series of exercises and graphic and pictorial research. Emphasis will be placed on solids and voids, line, layout and (un)composition. Everyone will be encouraged to develop their imaginations and their vision of the different sounds, both internal and external, that will be available to us in collaboration with Alain Pierre's composition course.

The workshop will initially be a research workshop with a view to constructing images. Working on a visual language based on sound, rhythm and composition, to give it shape and body.

Equipment required

  • Test sheets, drawing paper, carbon paper in various colours, tracing paper
  • HB and oil pencils, oil pastels, round brushes, flat brushes, acrylic paints
  • Tube of glue, scissors, cutter, ink roller, baren, needles and binding thread, folding knife, rags
  • Bring the equipment you usually use in your work or that you are familiar with.
  • Bring something to transport your materials (e.g. a salvaged suitcase and a folding seat so you can sit anywhere).
  • Bring some recycled paper
  • Choose a sturdy, portable medium in A5 and A3 format (e.g. Canson, but there are other very good ones).
  • Fluorescents (main colours: yellow, pink, green and orange)
  • Poscas
  • Graphite
  • Charcoal
  • A few watercolour pencils

Don't buy everything. Look through your drawers and favour harmonious colour palettes, cameos, contrasts and monochromes.

Any questions?

If you have any questions, please refer to the practical information!

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