
An intense week to (re)discover the art of acting while inventing short theatrical shows together, in different artistic forms, sometimes emphasizing the body, sometimes the voice or the text, but always inspired by a bold look at the world.

Initially, the workshop explores acting in different configurations, both verbal and bodily, using the methods employed by Patrick Duquesne and Giovanni Orlandi in their stage productions.

This initial acting work is extended by an intense moment of creation during which each participant is invited to share its own words and to transpose them into a chosen artistic form (short dialogue piece, non-verbal, bodily, etc.).

At the end of the course, these different Small Forms will be presented to an audience in various roaming spaces. Special time will be devoted to choosing the itinerary and adapting the creations to the performance venues.

Learn by playing. Play to learn.

In locations chosen for their natural theatricality, Patrick Duquesne and Giovanni Orlandi have been working for several years on the conception of theatrical events presented in an itinerant mode and made up of a succession of Short Artistic Forms which they would like to see as joyful antidotes to the madness of the world.

It's this process that the course proposes to follow, a path that includes research on acting as well as creative work, since the actors themselves are led to develop a personal expression and to stage it, in extremely varied artistic forms. Sometimes actors, sometimes creators, each is involved in a stimulating activity consisting of finding images, movements and words to provide the audience with emotions and reflections in a matter of minutes.

Required level

Pas de différence entre acteurs et non-acteurs, mais l’exigence d'un engagement et d'une implication constante.

Equipment required

Sound: amplifier, speakers, USB key access for music

Any questions?

If you have any questions, please refer to the practical information!

To register, please complete the following form.

If you wish to register several people with the same email address, please enter a different name per address via this field.
Please indicate a manager if the trainee is a minor (surname, first name, mobile number).
Should we be informed of any health issue concerning the trainee? If yes, please fill in this field.
By submitting your registration request, you agree that the information entered will be used only by us for processing by AKDT. You can at any time, by sending an email to, have the right to inspect or modify your data communicated to AKDT. By registering for this internship, I also agree to the General conditions