
This workshop proposes approaching Photoshop as a tool of expression and integrating it into a creative process.

It is above all a matter of approaching the software as a media of artistic expression (and not as a production tool) but also as a gateway to different techniques, whether digital or more traditional.

On the program: discovery of the software and its functions through collages, drawings, retouching, texturing, compositions, colors, light, etc. And of course, realizations of personal artistic projects.

This workshop is therefore aimed at artists who want to discover how Photoshop and some of its tools will allow them to develop their creative potential.

Accessible to Photoshop beginners but requires attendance from day 1.

Required level

Open to everyone

Equipment required

  • 1 USB key to be able to save the work of the course and put your photos and creations on it.
  • Personal photos and works on which we will work (to put on the USB key)
  • If they wish: pencils, colored pencils, pastels, felt-tip pens, paints...or any other technique to draw materials and shapes that will be integrated into their creations

More information

Any questions?

If you have any questions, please refer to the practical information!

To register, please complete the following form.

If you wish to register several people with the same email address, please enter a different name per address via this field.
Please indicate a manager if the trainee is a minor (surname, first name, mobile number).
Should we be informed of any health issue concerning the trainee? If yes, please fill in this field.
By submitting your registration request, you agree that the information entered will be used only by us for processing by AKDT. You can at any time, by sending an email to, have the right to inspect or modify your data communicated to AKDT. By registering for this internship, I also agree to the General conditions