Exploration of the notion of traces and impregnation in a creative, sensitive and collective approach to photography.
What imprints do we leave on the world? Through different workshops of old or alternative techniques, we will explore the notion of traces and impregnation in a creative, sensitive and collective approach to photography. A week to write with light with and without a camera and (oneself) to impregnate the sensitive surfaces, bodies, papers and plants that surround us. On the program: lumen print, cyanotype, photogram, harvests of imagination, elements of nature, words, sounds and old images to make imprints that bear witness to our relationships with the world.
Required level
Open to everyone
Equipment required
- a digital camera (all types are accepted, compact, bridge, SLR, etc.) with battery/charger/memory card
- several photo frames of various sizes A5/A4 and/or A3 (with a glass window, they will serve as a press frame and/or for the final exhibition)
- foam brushes, a spool of rope, clothespins
- a pencil case with pencils, permanent marker, scissors, glue, transparent tape, brown tape...
- a block of A4 watercolor paper (ideally XL MIXED MEDIA paper from CANSON)
- a USB key
- clothes that may be stained or an apron
- headphones/earphones
- a notebook
In order to give free rein to participants' imaginations, to encourage joyful experiments and personal proposals, we also invite you to bring:
- textured materials on which you will be able to experiment with an alternative technique (example: fabric, wood, original papers, silk, t-shirt, organic materials, etc.)
- objects that resemble you! Bring us old photos that are close to your heart, objects that speak about you: these can be objects from an activity that you practice (example: if you like knitting you can bring back wool and needles)... You'll need them to express yourself!
- objects that you find interesting in terms of shape or outline, for use in projection/shadow painting (lace, everyday objects with recognizable shapes, etc.)
We'll be shooting during the workshop to create material for our work, but it will also be possible to develop the proposed techniques from photographs taken prior to the workshop. So feel free to bring a USB key with digital images, or film/negatives with silver images that are close to your heart and which can be used for experimentation or for a personal project (old family photos, personal series...).
Any questions?
If you have any questions, please refer to the practical information!