
Butoh is a libertarian body practice born in Japan in the 1950s. Synthesizing the heritage of traditional techniques of the island and the research of the European avant-garde, butoh offers a wide field of exploration of movement and body.

No longer dance but let yourself dance.

During this course, we will explore unconscious movements, presence and metamorphosis. To do this, we will go through a number of space walks, basic exercises taught by the great masters, before exploring in greater depth how the imaginary can modify the quality of a movement, through guided improvisations. We'll also try our hand at the exercise of letting yourself be guided by a flower, emblematic of Kazuo Ono's work, or the puppet body which no longer moves by itself but lets itself be danced by the elements.

Inhabit the movement

The idea is to focus on what fills the movement, what motivates it, what poeticizes it, rather than on mastered form. Butoh works on sensations rather than technicality.

Write what escapes us

How do you write art that seems elusive? At the end of the week, a brief introduction to butoh-fu, the butoh writing tool, will be offered. Trainees will be able to experience the application of the tools within a choreographic sequence of their own making.

With rigor and demands, butoh proposes a reconquest of bodies that have been suppressed for too long, to finally let them express themselves.

A quest for the self in all its mystery and intensity, both profound and joyful.

Required level

All levels welcome

More information

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If you have any questions, please refer to the practical information!

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