If the forum theatre, created by Augusto Boal in the 70s in Brazil, under the dictatorship, then developed during his exile throughout the world, is still relevant half a century later and continues to develop almost everywhere on the planet, it is because it is above all an incredible tool for social transformation.
Indeed, whatever the contexts or social environments, it can be used and deployed infinitely to deal with all themes and contribute, through theatre, to conflict resolution, active debate, and communication through action rather than thought. It opens an interactive space for free speech, ideas to experiment with, hypotheses to test, desires to confront, a true laboratory of action in which the boundary between the stage and the audience is erased, the actors and spectators mix, all becoming "spect-actors", working towards the same objective: how to get out of the conflict, the impasse, and thwart oppression?
Internship objectives:
– understand the theoretical and practical bases of forum theatre
– discover a new relationship with oneself and others (trainees, public)
– experiment with improvisation techniques specific to forum theatre
– participate in the creation of a forum theatre
– play in a forum theatre
Course structure:
The course will first start with exercises to ease into the practice with confidence and create a supportive group, in a fun and caring atmosphere.
Then we will gradually approach the techniques created by Augusto Boal, and in particular "image theatre", allowing the creation of forum theatre scenes, built by the trainees based on their own experiences and interests.
We will also discover specific techniques for improvisation and creating forum characters.
Finally, after building the forum theatre scenes, we will learn how to act and improvise during the performance of a forum theatre show, which we will be able to experience directly at the end of the course during a performance of the forum theatre that we will have created together.
Required level
Whether you are a professional in the entertainment, health, education, social sectors or none of these, you are welcome. No prerequisites are necessary. Only your desire and curiosity count.
Indeed, in this course, there is no need to have any prior stage experience. We are not looking for performance or representation here, but rather a form of truth, sincerity, even humility, at the service of the situation, of the public. The actor is not there to shine in front of the spectator but to make the spectator shine, to put themselves at the service of their proposal, of their will. Thus, as Augusto Boal said, "We are all actors", "talent" being measured above all by the will to act.All levels
Any questions?
If you have any questions, please refer to the practical information!