Before registering, please read this document carefully, which presents the general operation of our music courses: Informations à savoir sur cette semaine d'ateliers
Together with a team of musicians who already have some experience, Toine puts together a repertoire during the duration of the course (mornings and afternoons). In this workshop, we focus on groove, incorporating elements of electronic music among "traditional" instruments.
The stylistic direction and repertoire are to be defined together during the week, according to everyone's wishes. This workshop can also be open to a (partly) pre-existing group, or to musicians bringing their personal compositions to the workshop. The week will culminate in a final concert.
For this edition, we will welcome a group of 8-9 people, and a brass section in the afternoon.
Required level
Priority is given to
- drummer (who knows how to play with a click/metronome)
- M.A.O. (Ableton, sequencer, other...)
- keyboards
- vocals
- percussion
- other...
All types of traditional instruments (guitar, bass/double bass, drums, vocals, piano/keyboards, brass, percussion, etc.) are welcome, as well as people working with computers (Ableton, Reason,...) .
The drummer must have a good level and experience (know how to play with a click, etc.).
Basic knowledge of your instrument is required: a minimum of 4 years of practice.
Registration for this course must be verified by the teachers before being validated. Candidates are invited to send their background and motivations via the form below as well as audio or video links to have their music heard (by email:
Equipment required
Trainees bring their instrument (and amp if necessary), and/or computer.
More information
Any questions?
If you have any questions, please refer to the practical information!