
“A painting is no less painting when it is figurative and it is no more painting when it is abstract.” Erik Verhagen


Integrate into the pictorial and visual research module the notion of “interpretation” that is to say where to lead and how to follow the path of ideas and research before their realization or quite simply, how to realize an intention.

The primary interest of this practice finds its meaning in the means of expression employed, whether this attitude is figurative or abstract. Proper and demanding practice is therefore absolutely necessary.

The pictorial composition and its organization of forms goes beyond the limits of the image, it can be free or controlled, random or directed, accidental or programmed... but above all, at the moment of action, one must "be in the painting” with the will and determination to carry out a painter’s gesture.

It is a complicit act between the driver (the creator), his vehicle and the path he chooses.

The encounter with other existing approaches can help it to fit into one (or more) family of expression, which allows it to reduce the fields of action in favor of a better defined goal.

To facilitate this encounter with other existing approaches, we offer small capsules (videos) of contemporary artists over several days. We analyze it, we discuss it and we invite you to let yourself be influenced.

Above all, we ask the trainees to dare to take risks and to be open to creating within certain proposed constraints.

“What matters is the right moment, it is to carry out the right act at the right time. So it’s about being on the lookout, waiting for I don’t know what… simply to see what happens.” (Sigmar Polke)

“I apply color and varnish. They find their own paths on the bottom. The color begins to move. The table gives something that does not exist. It’s a game of ‘power’ with or without control. The painting determines its own destiny.” (Sigmar Polke)

Required level

Introduction and improvement

Equipment required

Personal documentation on the chosen pictorial expression family.

Kraft paper and white paper in rolls, paints (oil and acrylic), gouaches, colored pencils, oil pastels, charcoal, brushes (round brushes and spalters width 1 to 10 cm), lead mines, graphites, India ink, rags and test paper and a database of images chosen as subject matter or pretext for expression.


Meet via the internet the works of visual artists such as: David Salle, Sigmar Polke, Gerhard Richter, Julian Schnabel, Marc Desgrandchamps, Pat Andrea, Rosemarie Trockel, Sandrine Pelletier, Jérôme Zonder, Elly Strik, Adrian Ghenie, Rudolf Stingel, Marlene Dumas, Jenny Saville …

More information

Facebook de Christian Rolet

Any questions?

If you have any questions, please refer to the practical information!

This internship is full.